Dr. Grace Angeline Watene
University of Nairobi, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, 2017
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
What do you love most about being a vet?
I love that I am able to do God’s work by caring for animals. I feel fulfilled to have devoted my life to their wellbeing.
What are your biggest challenges?
My biggest challenge has been the inadequate awareness of veterinary medicine and the work that veterinarians do in my country Kenya. The infrastructure that is required to make my job successful is limited thus there is a constant struggle to prove how important our work is to authorities and the communities.

What are the biggest challenges you believe the vet profession is facing in your country?
My country has suffered some economic dips in the past thus affecting many livelihoods. Our farmers and pet owners struggle to find the extra resources outside their basic needs to care for their animals. Veterinarians end up lacking jobs and diversifying to other technical non-skilled careers. We also have one approved vet school in the entire country with inadequate clinical equipment thus graduating vets are not able to compete at the same level as others in international spaces.
How has VI helped you in your career?
VI has broadened my career portfolio and has strengthened my leadership skills. The expertise and guidance from VI’s CEO and board has facilitated my transition from a postgraduate vet student to an avid researcher and potential project coordinator. The unconditional psycho-social and physical support to me and the veterinary fraternity is exceptional.

Where do you see VI being most helpful in veterinary capacity building for you and for your country? What can VI do to have the greatest impact?
I believe improving the vet school infrastructure in the clinical sections will definitely have a positive impact and improve the type of veterinarians that graduate. I think the partnerships with other stakeholders will improve the veterinary working community and jointly develop new opportunities for vets to help our animals and our communities better.
What are you most proud of?
I am genuinely happy and proud to be part of VI, to be associated with its positive impact around the world.
What are you most excited about in your work with VI?
I am very excited to work with a world serving organization. Their selfless efforts to see the good in each person. The world class knowledge and expertise shared to us to help our animals. We are because they are.
Where do you see the future with VI being involved?
I see an improved vet education system in Kenya, young empowered vets able to be make headlines in the international arena.