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Dr. Lonnie Kasman Presents at the AVMA Conference

By June 24, 2024July 24th, 2024No Comments

Dr. Lonnie Kasman Presents at the AVMA Conference

Longtime VI volunteer and Director of Global Experiences, Dr. Lonnie Kasman, had the honor of presenting at the 2024 American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Convention in Austin, Texas on June 24th.

In his presentation entitled, “How can busy US veterinarians squeeze global One Health opportunities into their schedules? Volunteering Globally,” Dr. Kasman discussed his life-changing experience of traveling with VI to a remote Mayan village in Guatemala to provide care for animals in need and how this opportunity reminded him why he dedicated his life to this work. Additionally, Dr. Kasman gave insight into how VI designs these trips with a holistic One Health approach, including aspects of personal wellness, professional development, and of course service that benefits both animals and communities.

Veterinary professionals, veterinary students, and anyone inspired by animal care and wildlife conservation can create their own memorable experiences through VI’s “Global Immersive Veterinary Experience” trips – VI GIVES!

Learn more about our VI GIVES trips today.

Dr Lonnie at AVMA 2024

Dr. Lonnie at AVMA 2024